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Welcome to Primal Satanism
This is a place that endeavors to inform and stimulate the Satanist to use thinking and reason as their primary criteria in measuring their decisions, beliefs and actions. Mankind's great advantage as an evolved primate is his complex brain and, therefore, the thought process has been responsible for his millions of years of survival. Primal Satanism sees no valid reason that we should change what has worked well for so long.

There are several types of articles and support BLOGs associated with Primal Satanism. Some articles will be here and others can be accessed on the support BLOGs.

One important article series is called "The Voice of Reason in Satanism." It addresses the critical thinking that is the foundation of the success of mankind and promoted by Primal Satanism.

A companion BLOG is The Jezebel Spirit : for the Satanic Woman. It is dedicated to the optimization of the female resource without which the world of humanity would not exist.

I hope you enjoy the writings and you are welcome to make comments.

BG created by TTC

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Carswell/Vera Discussion Opus Diaboli

This is a response to an article on Opus Diaboli regarding the Satanist views regarding social issues relating to the poor and working class values, work ethic and problems to society.


I believe Satanism, whether it be symbolic or a traditional type requires practical thinking and attention to real world issues, kept in balance not only through problem-solving but in being realistic as to the basic nature of humankind and its needs.
Before I comment upon this writing, I want to make my own position known regarding the state of the world. I support the neotribalist and anarchoprimitivist analysis that the erosion of our cultures is not because human nature has changed or is even at fault, but that its tendency toward degeneration is due to the effects of stress from our impersonal culture and departure from its original, compatible environment; the tribe.
The tide turned when industrialized agriculture was overdeveloped, steadily increasing concentrations of overpopulation requiring expansion, armies needed to be raised and implemented to force colonization which then created and advanced slavery, or Imperial control.
Came the birth of the State, substituting an impersonal entity for the tribal leader, not truly representative of the people as whole, but requiring them as citizens or colonies to conform to survive. Those that adapt or excel survive and prosper and the unadaptable do neither. The latter become the burdens to society and a problem to be solved or ignored. Ignore the problem or fail at solving it and the problem grows, threatening the society. Most societies collapse from within.
It should be noted that the "salvation" religions (including Buddhism and Hindu sects teaching the transmigration of the soul) arose at the time of this rise of the industrialization of agriculture and the state. I believe they were coping mechanisms in response to the destruction of cultures due to colonial expansion.
I am not so naive that I believe Humpty Dumpty can be put back together again. However, even as LaVey wrote in the Satanic Bible, we should not ignore past orthodoxies. We can learn from the past what worked and compare it with our present system which doesn't, often to discover a way toward solving our problems.
Technology is not wholly to blame for the downward spiral of humanity, but more that the system which encouraged its over-development within the flawed ideology of paternalism and system of the State are both impersonal and based upon control and punishment. As each empire grows larger, the closer it approaches its own destruction.
I am far less worried about the earth than I am about humankind. If we continue at the rate with no major change in our habits, evolution will take care of our problem (ie., us) through extinction. Whether it will be the extreme of extinction is a matter of which cataclysm comes first. Waning fossil fuel resources and global economic crises may actually be what delays our demise.
We have a few choices. We can continue with our present culture and institute some radical changes in our management, hoping for the best. A more difficult and probably unpopular road would be to begin reinstituting some of the ways of support and management that worked in primitive tribal societies.
For instance, in the matter of the growing poor, ignorant and unambitious that you mention. On a smaller, tribal level, this would rarely happen. This was due mainly to the personal involvement and investment each member of the tribe had in its community. There was a place for everyone and work and resources were distributed equally. If the tribe was short of food, the chief also was effected by the shortage.
On another matter you mentioned, the tribe all held certain beliefs and values. I read about one incident related by Joseph Campbell in his Faces of God DVD series which involved an couple who were infidelous. A man had an affair with another man's wife. The simple equity of it struck me. Once discovered, the man was lightly beaten by the men and the woman the same by the women to show their displeasure in disrupting the harmony of the tribe. Then a scenario was "acted out" so the couple coule make a free decision in the matter. The men "play" guard over the woman to protect her from the custom of her abduction which will be done by the man who now wants her. He will fight his way through the guards who defend half-heartedly until the man reaches the woman being guarded. Then she has a choice of whether to stay with her husband and be faithful or leave with the man who wants her. The man can also choose to be "defeated" by her defenders and honorably bow out. Either way, the incident is as forgotten by the tribe members. Each of them is respected for their wants. However, the consequences of her choosing her new suitor is that they both must leave the tribe. Most of these couples choose to stay because it is a serious thing to be forced to leave the tribe. Other tribes will not accept them and they will be virtually on their own.
The above situation would be impractical in this day, unless we are speaking about a community like the Amish or Mennonites. And this would be the main problem in newly formed communities/tribes; the lack of a shared heritage, culture, belief and investment in the tribe. What with immigration and globalization, these important roots are lost even more. What tribes or strong cultures with much heredity and investment do still exist are threatened by the post modern global culture of the state, technology and politics and given no alternative but to defend themselves or be destroyed.
It is Imperialism and paternalism that must be left behind, or carried to its furthest extreme despite some obvious dire consequences. Then we would need to implement forced sterilization and exterminating the uncooperative, criminal and unadaptable, and sacrificing our values and humanity in the process, even though we support and sustain the culture that created them. From there it is not far that our values may move toward how expedient it would become to also erradicate the handicapped, mentally ill or elderly when they fail at productivity.
I would hope for at least a synthesis within the present culture could be developed, keeping a happy medium between a satisfying lifestyle, economic reform and retaining some of the best of technology.